McDonald's in a tweet on its corporate account called President Trump "a disgusting excuse of a President" on Thursday morning.
The niblets are blended with various other substances including propyl gallate - an antioxidant preservative also used in a wide variety of lipsticks and shower gel.
Hurt by years of bad publicity amid claims of 'pink slime' chicken nuggets and Frankenfood, the fast food giant is pulling back its veil of production...
As aging fast food megalith McDonald's creaks into an uncertain future, Chick-fil-a steps into the spotlight to take center stage
McDonald’s USA had begun the process of removing it from our supply chain prior to widespread media coverage on its use and it was completely removed...
Under carefully controlled conditions we examined the Chicken McNuggets under a high-powered digital microscope, expecting to see only processed chicken bits and a fried outer coating.
McDonald's Corp. says a key sales figure fell in October, marking the first monthly drop in nearly a decade for the world's biggest hamburger chain.
They call it Pink Slime! The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is picking up 7 million pounds of beef containing ammonium hydroxide-treated ground connective tissue...