Watch as false teachers Paula White and Larry Huch deny that Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God in an astonishing attack on the...
End times heretic Paula White is keynote speaker for Unification Church 'Rally of Hope' honoring Mother Moon, a demonic false prophetess.
Paula White, end times heretic and false teacher, says her ministry is like a hospital and asks people to send her money for it. Think Psalm...
End times heretic Paula White claims to have recently been transported to the Throne Room of Heaven, where she received a new mantle and anointing from...
Prosperity Gospel phony and end times false teacher Paula White has commanded that all 'satanic pregnancies' be aborted through miscarriage.
Paula White tells Jim Bakker ‘Every treasure you give here on earth is being stored up in Heaven. There is a Department of Treasury up in...
“I have every right and authority to declare the White House as holy ground because I was standing there and where I stand is holy.” says...
Paula White will now move to the “apostolic overseer” role at the church, as she believes that governance and “pastoring pastors” are her calling in life.
White House invites evangelicals in to discuss jared Kushner's Middle East Peace Plan. In attendance were John Hagee, Paula White, Joel Rosenberg and others
Paula White, who heads up the president’s evangelical advisory committee, suggested making a donation to her ministries to honor the religious principle of “first fruit,” which...
False teacher Paula White is a shameless Laodicean gospel pimp who has never yet met a scripture she could twist into making her a dollar.
Paula White is a double thief, because she steals from God's word in order to then steal from you. When it comes to 'holy begging' for...